Berlin Poesiefest 2015

Though I have had the privilege to present my work a few times in Berlin, the first time reading & presenting at the Berlin Poesiefest was an intense experience. I had the chance to stay for nearly a week thanks to the festival and the time in the city, as is often the case – that is the process of being there, rather than the work I presented – will be the enduring legacy of my participation. I had the opportunity to turn acquaintances into friendships, and to make many acquaintances which will become friendships, with people who had travelled from across the world.

I presented a keynote on collaboration, in a colloquium which featured Cia Rinne, Ricardo Domeneck, Kenneth Goldsmith and others, over a four hour session. I laid out the principles behind the Enemies project, engaged in a few discussions and then ripped up another of my books to give to the audience, and ask them to read back to me. A privilege to be there and share my ideas with such a discerning audience.