Published : Animal Drums on Mercurius

My relationship with the Barcelona based journal Mercurius continues, this time hosting my film with josh alexander, THE ANIMAL DRUMS along with some new critical comments by the brilliant Jonathan Brooker

Jonathan Brooker on The Animal Drums - “…the episodic nature of it - reminding me a little, while having entirely its own character, of some of Chris Petit’s work with or without Iain Sinclair; that sense of a search without there being a clear objective & the requirement for the viewer to do the work of joining the dots. The route taken being as important as the destination. Of course it could just be the presence of Sinclair himself that brought it to mind! The underlying theme, of a changing & ever less accommodating London, defenceless against the manipulations of international capital, was one that has fascinated & saddened me over the years….

… I’m also interested in the way that the character appears to be SJ Fowler but isn’t - something I’ve always liked about the films of Jonathan Meades; that overt acknowledgement that the person you’re watching is only a version of the person as they actually exist. I guess it’s just a conscious application or heightening of Goffman, but using that disconnect between essence & performance & the idea of consciously blurring the line for dramatic or narrative effect greatly appeals.” More information here.