A note on : Ten years of 3am magazine poetry editorship

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I took over the role of poetry editor from Darran Anderson in July 2011.

In ten years, working with the brilliant Andrew Gallix and other remarkable colleagues, I have kept open submissions most of the time, at least 8 of the 10 years, and fielded often up to 5 submissions a day. Sometimes more.

It has been an immense privilege. It has actually started friendships for me, making contacts with poets kind enough to send their work, from around the world. It has been a way to discover what is happening now with people and places I wouldn’t otherwise have the chance to encounter. And I’ve had the chance to keep up a continual correspondence with many making their first submissions, helping them work up their work for publication.

Moreover, with the literary / experimental publications of 2011 to 2017, all listed here https://www.stevenjfowler.com/3ammagazine followed by the Poem Brut series https://www.poembrut.com/3am (both pages need updating) I believe I have created a recognisable aesthetic for my editorial choices, and attracted practitioners working in that style.

I also think, without being arrogant, it is a space like no other online magazine for poetry, that supports brilliant work that wouldn’t find a home elsewhere. Or something akin to that. Over 300 publications and 100 interviews. More than that even. From Jerome Rothenberg, Iain Sinclair and other established names, to I would estimate at least 80 first ever publications, it’s a list I’m proud of, and I have no plans to give up the mantle soon.

A sincere thanks to Andrew Gallix for making 3am magazine what it is. http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/