A note on : Surrealism feature on Shuddasar

David Spittle has put together an incredible special issue of Shuddasar celebrating neo-surrealism, contemporary surrealism, and I’m very happy to be featured in it alongside poets like Aase Berg, Julia Rose Lewis, Tom Jenks, Stephen Sunderland, James Byrne, Geraldine, Monk, James Knight, Aaron Kent, Vik Shirley and more. It’s massive. https://shuddhashar.com/magazine/issue-37-surrealist-poetry/

Here’s Dave’s intro https://shuddhashar.com/note-from-guest-editor-2/

And my stuff, excerpts from different sections of my new book The Parts of the Body that Stink https://shuddhashar.com/the-parts-of-the-body-that-stink/

At the end of my poems there is a small commentary by me, as below.