A note on : EPF Austria, the festival ends

The festival for 2021 wrapped up with what was perhaps the most complete, or cohesive event. It was finalised by two remarkable collaborations between Magdalena Mclean and Verena Durr, and Cornelia Hulmbauer and Ollie Evans. Their work was clever, wry, playful, literary. Hard to do for 10 minutes and keep everyone with you, and they did. The evening was opened by a half dozen solo readings too, all of them exceptional. Well worth looking through the videos here https://www.europeanpoetryfestival.com/austria

The evening went on long past the final reading, a really genial, generous atmosphere and lovely for me to say goodbye to the fest with so many friends, and the lovely people at the austrian cultural forum, who have been so supportive over the years. Photos below, and at the link, by Madeleine Rose Elliott