Published : THE ANIMAL DRUMS | Watch Free Online

THE ANIMAL DRUMS | London Develops Worse

a feature length film, free to watch online Joshua Alexander and Steven J. Fowler : 2019 - 75 minutes.

Charting the particular, baffled and morbid character of English attitudes to mortality, The Animal Drums depicts the specific influence of urban space on the psyche. An attempt to create a distinctly poetic film, fusing documentary, montage and improvisation, the film explores the sad, macabre, abstract threat of a contemporary London in the grips of constant and nefarious growth. Recalling the tableu film-making of Peter Greenaway and the lyrical disjunction of Harold Pinter, the film features appearances from authors like Iain Sinclair and Stewart Home, alongside actors like Edie Deffebach and Simon Christian.

Lots more on the film can be found here