A note on : Launching I WILL SHOW YOU THE LIFE OF THE MIND... with pills and social discomfort

Sometimes you have to use material to hand, and in performing, be careful to allow out the theatrical and histronic, but not necessarily disturbing. But sometimes in doing that, the balance is relative to the audience’s taste, shall we say. I spent the whole performance saying to myself you’re being too nice, keep it calmed. Not sure how it came out. I munched a lot of blue and whites. Read a bit. Sold a few copies of my book, a new book Im quietly happy with but realise again is quite miserable https://www.amazon.co.uk/Will-Show-Life-prescription-drugs/dp/B0849T1PRK

I read alongside 7 dostoyevsky wannabe listmates. All their very good readings are up at http://www.theenemiesproject.com/dostoyevskywannabe