A note on : Timelapse at Kielder Forest

TIME-LAPSE / Kielder Art & Architecture commission / 2020

I have been really happy to work with my friend and collaborator David Rickard, an extraordinary artist, over the last year or so, developing a new poem / text about time, to be installed in his Timelapse artwork, soon to be installed in Kielder Forest. More on his piece “Combining dendrochronology and Time Dilation Theory 'Time-lapse' will form a spatial and temporal way-finder within the forest, joining the collection of sculptures and buildings at Kielder by James Turrell, Tania Kovats, David Adjaye and many others”

The sculpture contains my text on its floor and ceiling, read above and below the people who walk within it and will be revealed to the public in 2020. http://www.david-rickard.net/ and more on Kielder http://www.visitkielder.com/