anselm hollo obituary by Pierre Joris on his Nomadics blog

In Front of The Boulder Dushanbe Tea House…

… a few years ago, Anselm & Jane, Jerry & Diane, Nicole & me.
AH&JR&PJAlso: a lovely obit by Steven Fowler in 3ammagazine, one para of which goes:
This is a man who wrote through his life – who skewered life with his work, who affirmed his being alive in poetry, and made things new there too. Anselm Hollo was a viking – he looked like one, he wrote like one, and I am told, he often lived like one. He published over 40 books, and untold numbers of translations into and from Finnish, German, Swedish and French. In 2001 he was elected the United States anti-laureate. He lived for 78 years, and for over 60 of them, he wrote.
You can read the whole piece here.
Also, today (Thursday 31st) he Finnish Obituary in  Helsingin Sanomat (the biggest Finnish newspaper), written by one of the editors of the Cultural Section. Anselm is remembered as having been “Finlands link to the Beat Movement in US”. (via Leevi Lehto on FB):