40 Feet by David Berridge & SJ Fowler

Launched at the Essex Book Festival Camarade, on March 20th 2016, 40 Feet is published by Knives Forks and Spoons press. 

The book can be bought here: http://knivesforksandspoonspress.co.uk/fortyfeet.html

40 Feet is a poem in dialogue. 40 poems as 40 moments, 40 fragments, 40 conversation starters / enders. It is a poem deliberately broken, misheard, overheard and overlapping. It is a record of meeting, writing, witnessing; mulching and reflecting London in 2013, where both poets lived and frequently met. 40 Feet is the events of that time and the character of that place, fixed in the subjective, the miniature, the specific - through an open-ended poetics of expression and conversation. 

An excerpt featured in Enemies: the selected collaborations of SJ Fowler (2013) and is now published in it's entirety by Knives, Forks & Spoons press.

And you can read more about David's work here http://verysmallkitchen.com/ 

David Berridge and S. J. Fowler both independently and collaboratively salinate with the most naturally intense and delightful broths and although you may not have shared a bunk bed with one and a stage with the other in completely separate and unrelated circumstances in 2010 and thus experienced their southern soups to any great extent or regularity you can at least sample the stains at the bottom of their saucepan in FORTY FEET. Patrick Coyle

"These are startled images, each sharply gripped, shaken for detail and disarmed in an unflinching campaign of narrative digression, distraction and deferral. 40 Feet is a nonsequitous web of bright poetic fiction, pulled taut with syntactic thread so delicate and assured that it tugs at your breath as you read."  Tamarin Norwood